The Difference Between Book Reviews and Book Endorsements

Nov 04, 2022

If you're an author, you've probably heard the terms "book review" and "book endorsement" before - but what do they actually mean? And more importantly, why should you care?


In this blog post, we'll break down the differences between book reviews and book endorsements, and explain why getting endorsements from respected professionals in your field can be so valuable for your career.

Book reviews are, quite simply, a critical evaluation of a book. They can be positive, negative, or somewhere in between, but they should always be objective and unbiased. A good book review will give readers an idea of what the book is about, what its strengths and weaknesses are, and whether or not it's something they would be interested in reading themselves.

Book endorsements, on the other hand, are much more subjective. An endorsement is essentially a seal of approval from someone who has read and enjoyed the book - it's a way of saying "this is a great book, and I think you'll love it too!" Endorsements can come from just about anyone - friends, family members, fellow authors, etc. - but they're usually most effective when they come from respected professionals in your field.

So why should you care about getting endorsements? First of all, they can be a great way to generate buzz for your book. If someone with a large platform or a lot of influence endorses your book, it's likely that their followers will take notice and check it out. Secondly, endorsements can help build trust and credibility - if people see that experts in your field are vouching for your book, they're more likely to give it a chance. And finally, endorsements can simply make your book look more appealing to potential readers. After all, if someone whose opinion you trust says that a book is worth reading, that's a pretty strong endorsement in itself!

If you're looking to get endorsements for your book, the best place to start is by reaching out to people you know and asking if they'd be interested in reading and reviewing it. Once you've got a few reviews from friends and family, you can start reaching out to professionals in your field - but make sure to personalize your pitches, and don't be afraid to ask for specific endorsements (e.g. "I would be honored if you would endorse my book as a great read for anyone interested in XYZ"). And last but not least, don't forget to say thank you! A simple "thank you for your endorsement" can go a long way in building relationships with the people who have helped you promote your book.

So there you have it - the difference between book reviews and book endorsements, and why they both matter. Do you have any tips for getting endorsements? 

Happy Writing,


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