Mastering the Art of Show, Not Tell in Fiction Writing
Oct 16, 2023As an author, our goal is to bring our readers on an unforgettable experience through our story.
Whether you're writing a romance novel or a horror story, you want your readers to feel and understand everything your characters are going through.
But how do you do this effectively?
The answer lies in mastering the art of show, not tell.
In this blog post, you’ll learn what it means to show, not tell, and how to apply it in your writing.
Use Sensory Details
One of the most effective ways to show, not tell, is to use sensory details in your writing. Instead of telling your readers, "the air was cold," you could show them by describing how the wind bites at their skin, making their fingers and toes numb. By doing so, you're putting your readers in the same environment as your characters and allowing them to experience the moment too.
Dialogue is a powerful tool in showing rather than telling. Use conversations between characters to reveal their personalities, their relationships, and their motives. This technique is especially useful in character development. Instead of writing, "she was angry," you could show it through what they're saying- their tone, their choice of words, and how they deliver their lines. With dialogue, you can make your characters come alive in the readers' minds and make the story feel more authentic.
Actions and Reactions
Another way to show, not tell, is by focusing on actions and reactions. Instead of explaining emotions, let your character actions and reactions do the talking. For example, instead of writing, "he was surprised," you could show it by writing how his eyes widened, jaw dropped, or how his body tensed. By describing what your characters do, your readers can understand how they feel without telling them.
Writing is a craft, and like any craft, it takes practice to master. By showing instead of telling, you’re making your readers a part of the story rather than just spectators. Be descriptive, use dialogue, and focus on actions and reactions to make your writing come alive. By applying these techniques, you'll bring your story to life, creating an immersive experience your readers won't soon forget.
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